
Showing posts from September, 2022


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Unit test 2) Pumpkin expository chart. 3) Homework: One page diary about the Wednesday field trip. Students who did not finish their pumpkin chart in class may finish it this weekend and return it on Monday. Please sign and return the unit tests. Have a great weekend. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. OO and U phonics □2. RWN Page 310, Unit test review □3. Homework: Unit test review worksheet. 3 rd Grade 1 st Exam Test Scope -- Fall, 2022   Dear Parents,   The First Monthly Exams are upon us, below is the exam schedule and test scope.   Please remind your child to go over vocabulary and reading stories listed in the test scope.   v   Listening Exam : Wednesday, 10/05 v   Oral Exam : Thursday/Friday10/06-07 v   Written Exam : Wednesday, 10/12   LISTENING & ORAL EXAMS :   ·          Vocabulary Focus:  Week 2 ~ Week 5 (Communication Book) ·          Reading Street Stories: o    A Froggy Fable (p. 22-41); o    Life Cycle of a Pumpkin (p. 56--75) o    Listening Skills: Listen for words in a sentence; listen and identify pictures; listen & circle the correct word; vocabulary words for spellings of Final Syllable -le and Vowel Patterns oo, u o    Oral Exams: Reading, speaking, sto


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1. Vocabulary words 13 - 24                               □2. The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin □3. Homework: Write vocabulary words 13 – 24 three times, definitions one time. Wednesday, 09/28 □1. Class field trip □2. No homework This Friday, 09/30, there will be a unit test. Sections on the test will include spelling, definition matching, phonics, fill-in-the-blanks, and reading comprehension. Have a great day. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Vocabulary words 1 - 12                               □2. The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin □3. Homework: Write vocabulary words 1 – 12 three times, definitions one time. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Quiz                              □2. The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin worksheet □3. Homework: Diary on what you can do with a pumpkin I am keeping the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin worksheet as we will be using it next Friday, 09/30. Regards, Ari Lee


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1. The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin Review P. 1 and P. 2                               □2. RWN page 302 P. 2 □3. Homework: Quiz review sheets. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1. Oo and U phonics P.1 and P.2 □2. RWN page 301 P.2 □3. Homework: RWN Page 305 This Friday, 09/23. there will be a vocabulary quiz. The quiz will include spelling, definition matching, phonics, and fill-in-the-blanks. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Vocabulary words 13 – 24 P. 1   □2. The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin P. 2  □3. Homework: Vocabulary words 13 – 24 three times, definitions time. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari

Week 4 Vocabulary List

 Dear Parents, Please see the Week 4 vocabulary list. Grade 3 Week 4 Definitions Life Cycle of a Pumpkin   (1) Bumpy (adj): having or covered in bumps (2) Harvest (n): time of year when crops are gathered in (3) Vine (n): plant with long stems that grows along ground or up something (4) Root (n): the part of the plant that grows underground; it gets water for the plant (5) Smooth (adj): having a flat, even surface (6) Soil (n): top layer of earth where crops/plants grow (7) Antonym (n): word that means the opposite of another word (8) Squash (n): type of vegetable that has hard skin and is eaten cooked (9) Round (adj): shaped like a circle or ball (10) Shell (n): the hard, outer covering of an animal, insect, etc that protects it (11) Seed (n): a small object produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow (12) Oval (n): shaped like an egg (13) Curl (v): to twist or form into a round or curved shape (14) Moist (adj): a little wet; dam


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Vocabulary words 1 – 12 P. 1 □2. The Life Cycle of a Pumpkin, RWN Page 302 P.2 □3. Homework: Vocabulary words 1 – 12 three times, definitions one time. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari Note: Due to time constraints today, we were unable to work on RWN page 302.


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Unit test review                               □2. Unit test □3. Homework: Write one page in your bubble book about an adventure you’ve been on. I look forward to meeting you tomorrow at PTO day. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Adjectives                            □2. Vocabulary words 19 – 24, A Froggy Fable □3. Homework: A Froggy Fable Review worksheet As stated yesterday, there will be a unit test this week. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Adjectives                               □2. Vocabulary words 13 – 18, A Froggy Fable □3. RWN Page 300, write vocabulary words 13 – 18 and definitions twice. This Friday, 9/16, there will be a unit test on A Froggy Fable. Sections on the test will include spelling, definition matching, fill-in-the-blanks, word unscramble, and story comprehension. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Final syllable -le □2. Vocabulary words 7 – 12, Ben the Bullfrog □3. Homework: RWN Page 298, write vocabulary words 7 – 12 and the definitions 3 times each. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Quiz Corrections, adjectives review                             □2. Vocabulary words 1 – 6, A Froggy Fable □3. Homework: Write vocabulary words 1 – 6 and definitions twice, write six sentences using vocabulary words. Each sentence should contain one of the key vocabulary words. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. Quiz review □2. Quiz □3. Homework: Write two pages about what you did during the Moon Festival, RWN corrections Have a great Moon Festival. Regards, Teacher Ari


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1) Vocabulary words 15 – 24, A Froggy Fable                                                               2)  RWN pages 296                                         3)  Homework: Vocabulary definition sheet Most of these words will be on this weeks vocabulary quiz. Grade 3: Week 2 Vocabulary A Froggy Fable (1) Clearing (n): (2) Perfect (adj) : (3) Travel/ Travelled (v): (4) Splash/ Splashed (v): (5) Pond (n): (6) Crush/ Crushed (v): (7) Spill/ Spilled (v): (8) Skill (n): (9) Draw Conclusions (idiom): (10) Strategy (n): (11) Background (n): (12) Knowledge (n): (13) Organ (n): (14) Hatch/ Hatched (v): (15) Familiar (adj): (16) Fable (n): (17) Enjoy/ Enjoyed (v): (18) Simple (adj): (19) Otter (n): (20) Flock (n): (21) Squawk/ Squawked (v): (22) Pine Needle (n): (23) Utterly (adj): (24) Unexpected (adj):


 Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: 1)               Adjectives, RWN Page 295 2)               Vocabulary words 8 – 15, A Froggy Fable. 3)               Homework: Write vocabulary words and definitions two times each, write one sentence for each vocabulary word. There will be a vocabulary quiz this week. The quiz will include sections on spelling, definition matching, fill-in-the-blanks, and adjectives. Thank you for your patience and understanding this week. I will be returning to school tomorrow. Regards, Teacher Ari


  1)               Final syllable -le, RWN page 293. 2)               Vocabulary words 1 – 7, A Froggy Fable , RWN page 290 3)               Homework: Write vocabulary words 1 – 7 and definitions 3 times each. RWN page 293 should be completed as homework if it was not completed in class. Due to numerous technical issues last week, I am reviewing vocabulary from last week. Please see the attached vocabulary list.  A Froggy Fable   (1) Clearing (n): an open area of land where there are no trees. (2) Perfect (adj) : having no mistakes or flaws (3) Travel/ Travelled (v): to go on a journey; to go to a place (4) Splash/ Splashed (v): to move water/ liquid in a noisy or messy way (5) Pond (n): a small body of water surrounded by land (6) Crush/ Crushed (v): to press or squeeze something so hard it breaks or loses its shape (7) Spill/ Spilled (v): to cause something to flow or fall out of a container usually in an accidental way (8) Skill (n): a special ability or talent (9) Draw


 Dear Parents,  This is for today. 1) Vocabulary words 9, 11 – 15, 17, 18, 20 – 24, A Froggy Fable. 2) Writing letters 3) Homework: Write a one page letter to the Frog in your bubble book. Explain why he should get out and explore the world more. For homework, below is an example of how to write a letter with the date, greeting, body, ending, and signature. September 2, 2022 Dear Andrew,           How are you? I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope you can come back to school soon. I miss seeing you in class every day.           You should make sure to drink a lot of water, get plenty of rest, and take medicine. This will help you get better more quickly. You are one of my closest friends. Please look after yourself and get well soon. Your friend, Danny Please see the vocabulary list for this week. (1) Clearing (n): an open area of land where there are no trees. (2) Perfect (adj) : having no mistakes or flaws (3) Travel/ Travelled (v): to go on a journ