Dear Parents, Today in class we did the following: □1. RWN pages 338, 339, 343, 345, 347 □2. Quiz review □3. Homework: Quiz review worksheet There will be a vocabulary quiz tomorrow. Sections of the quiz will include spelling, phonics, definition matching, and fill-in-the-blanks. Have a great evening. Regards, Teacher Ari Name: Class: 302 / 303 / 304 Directions: Unscramble the words and write three times. lpto hetme rpfiex lvconao k...
Dear Parents, Please see the attached notifications about Winter Vacation homework. Greeting parents, I hope you all have a nice and relaxing Chinese New Year. For the winter vacation homework, we would like two short essays written, at about 500-750 words per essay. 1- An essay talking about the things you did during this Chinese New Year, if there were any travels and special things you did. Please also give your feelings on the activities you did. 2- An essay talking about your favorite toy or game. Please talk about: Why you like it so much or makes it so special? How often you use it? Who gave it to you? What makes it better than other toys or games you have? 3. ...
3 rd Grade 1 st Exam Test Scope – Spring, 2023 Dear Parents, The First Monthly Exams are upon us, below is the exam schedule and test scope. Please remind your child to go over vocabulary and reading stories listed in the test scope. v Listening Exam : Wednesday, 03/22 v Oral Exam : Thursday / Friday, 03/23-24 v Written Exam : Tuesday, 03/28 LISTENING & ORAL EXAMS : · Vocabulary Focus: Week 2 ~ Week 5 (Communication Book) · Reading Street Stories 3.1: o Kumak’s fish (pg. 98-113); o Penguin Chick (pg. 208-221) o Listening Skills: Listen for words in a sentence; listen and identify pictures; listen & circle the correct word; vocabulary words for spellings of verb +ed, +ing, +er, +est. Recognizing long and short vowel first syllables...
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