Week 10 vocabulary list

 Dear Parents,

Please see the attached vocabulary list.

Week 10 Vocabulary Definitions

The First Tortilla


1.   plot (n.): a series of events in a book, play, or movie

2.   theme (n): the main subject or topic

3.   prefix (n.): a word part with its own meaning that is added to the beginning of a word to make a new word that has a different meaning

4.   volcano (n.) : a mountain with a hole in the top that sometimes sends out rocks, ash, lava in a sudden explosion

5.   awaken (v.): to wake up

6.   cliff (n.): a high, steep surface of rock

7.   rainbow (n.): a curved line of colors in the sky that can appear after rain

8.   prize (n.): something won in a contest or given as an award

9.   mountain (n.): an area of land that rises very high and is bigger than a hill

10.                suffer/suffered (v.): to experience pain, illness, or injury

11.                legend (n.): a story from the past that is believed by many people but cannot be proved to be true

12.                affect/affected (v.): to produce an effect on something and cause a change

13.                yawn/yawned (v.): to open your mouth wide and take in breath usually because you are tired or bored

14.                precious (adj.): of great worth or value;

15.                crush/crushed (v.): to cause to lose shape or become flat by pressing or squeezing very hard

16.                chile (n): a small pepper with a very hot flavor (Spanish)

17.                greet/greeted (v.): to welcome someone

18.                weave/weaved (v.): to make by passing threads or strips over and under each other

19.                hammock (n.): a swinging bed made of canvas or netting that is hung between two trees or poles

20.                tower/towered (v.): to rise high or far above others; reach a great height

21.                peak (n.): the top of something (like a mountain)

22.                spirit (n.): a force of nature thought of as a person or god

23.                rumble/rumbled (v.): a low, heavy, continuous sound (like thunder)

24.                prayer (n.): words spoken to gods to say thanks or ask for something


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