
 Dear Parents,

Welcome back. Opening ceremony was during 1st Period we had the opening ceremony. During class we quickly went over rules and learned vocabulary words 1 - 12. Homework tonight is to write vocabulary words 1 - 12 three times, definitions one time, write three sentences with key vocabulary words.


Teacher Ari

Week 1 Vocabulary - Kumak’s Fish



1)     exaggerate: To describe something as greater than it really is.

2)     achieve: To reach a goal; to get something by working hard.

3)     Arctic: Of the North Pole.

4)     through: From one side to another side of something.

5)     spring: The season between winter and summer.

6)     wife: The woman someone is married to.

7)     daughter: A person’s female child.

8)     fur: The soft thick hair that covers the bodies of certain animals.

9)     glove: A covering for the hand that has separate parts for each finger.

10)    frozen: To become hard into ice from cold temperatures.

11)    gear: Any equipment or tools used for some particular purpose.

12)    sled: A small vehicle that has a flat bottom that is used for moving over snow or ice.

13)    toward: Moving or facing in the direction of.

14)    stick: A long and thin piece of wood from a tree.

15)    village: A small town in the country.

16)    hook: A bent tool for catching or pulling something.

17)    catch (caught): To use your hands to grasp and hold onto something.

18)    stiff: difficult to bend or move.

19)    reach: to arrive at a place.

20)    dig: to remove soil from the ground.

21)    patient: able to accept problems without becoming unhappy

22)    scoop: to pick up and move something with a tool like a spoon

23)    suddenly: quickly and unexpectedly

24)    begin (began): to do the first part of an action; to start


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